What is a Baby/Naming Ceremony

What is a Baby Naming Ceremony?

A Baby Naming Ceremony is a ceremony when the parents of a new baby will introduce their new child to their community of friends and family.  It would be similar to the traditional Christening or Baptism ceremony, except without the church.

A Naming Ceremony can be held in any number of venues including the family home, a local hotel, a village hall, a picturesque spot such as a park, or other venue that might have special meaning for the family.

As a Family Celebrant in Ireland, I can include any number of rituals into a ceremony, but one of the most popular elements, is the Sand Blending ritual.  See below, a list of some of the rituals that can be included.

Sand Ceremony – A sand ceremony ritual symbolises the joining together of a family with their new arrival.  Sand is poured into a glass vessel of the couples choosing and is a symbolic representation for all to see.  The Life Mentors that have been chosen can also be included in the ceremony, along with grandparents and brothers and sisters if there are any.  The unique vessel that is created is something the family can keep.


Certificate Signing – A ceremonial signing of a Naming Certificate, signed by the baby’s parents, life mentors and celebrant.


Parent’s Promises – Promises made by the parents detailing their intentions for their baby’s future.

Life Mentor’s Promises – Promises made by the life mentors detailing their intentions for the baby’s future.

Naming – Carried out by the Celebrant and parents to formally name the baby.

Family & Friend Affirmation – Where everyone present confirms their support of both the baby and the baby’s parents.

Readings – There can be a number of reading by friends and family.

Music – There is an opportunity for up to three pieces of music to be played

Feel free to talk with me to see what kind of ceremony we can create together that best represents you and your family.

Click here to contact me






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